Program Start {#ch:start}
This chapter describes the very basics of GXSM usage: the start of the program. In a modern Gnome3 (gnome-shell based) desktop environment with a proper installed gxsm3 you will find the GXSM in the Aplication menu, can seek via gnome-sell command, etc. and place it into your quick start application bar.
However, some of its behavior can be modified using the command line parameters described in section X.X{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:start:command-line-pars"}.
Command line parameters {#sec:start:command-line-pars}
To start from a command line just type -- no special options at all:\
or for temporary hardware disabling, very handy for data analysis on
your system configured for hardware usage by default:\
gxsm3 -h no
Hint: It is recommended to use this as default handler of
Mime-File types, i.e. used by Nautilus to launch
GXSM while clicking a data file. To list all understood command line
options type:
gxsm3 -- --help
~$ gxsm3 --help
gxsm3 [OPTION...] List of loadable file(s) .nc, ...
Help Options:
-?, --help Show help options
--help-all Show all help options
--help-gtk Show GTK+ Options
Application Options:
-V, --version Show the application's version
-h, --hardware-card Hardware Card: no | ... (depends on available HwI plugins)
-d, --Hardware-DSPDev Hardware DSP Device Path: /dev/sranger0 | ... (depends on module type and index if multiple DSPs)
-u, --User-Unit XYZ Unit: AA | nm | um | mm | BZ | sec | V | 1
-L, --logging-level Set Gxsm logging/monitor level. omit all loggings: 0, minimal logging: 1, default logging: 2, verbose logging: 3, ...
-m, --load-files-as-movie load file from command in one channel as movie
--disable-plugins Disable default plugin loading on startup
--force-configure Force to reconfigure Gxsm on startup
--force-rebuild-configuration-defaults Forces to restore all GXSM values to build in defaults at startup
--write-gxsm-preferences-gschema Generate Gxsm preferences gschema file on startup with build in defaults and exit
--write-gxsm-gl-preferences-gschema Generate Gxsm GL preferences gschema file on startup with build in defaults and exit
--write-gxsm-pcs-gschema Generate Gxsm pcs gschema file on startup with build in defaults while execution
--write-gxsm-pcs-adj-gschema Generate Gxsm pcs adjustements gschema file on startup with build in defaults while execution
-D, --debug-level=DN Set Gxsm debug level. 0: no debug output on console, 1: normal, 2: more verbose, ...5 increased verbosity
-P, --pi-debug-level=PDN Set Gxsm Plug-In debug level. 0: no debug output on console, 1: normal, 2: more verbose, ...5 increased verbosity
-s, --new-instance Start a new instance of gxsm3 -- not yet functional, use different user account via ssh -X... for now.
--display=DISPLAY X display to use
::: center ::: {#tab:command-line} Parameter Description
-h, --Hardware-Card=type set up type of hardware no do not use any hardware, analysis/simulation mode ... depends on available HwIs -u, --User-Unit=unit XYZ unit AA Å, $1e-10$ m nm nm, $1e-9$ m --disable-plugins Disables the loading of plugins on startup mainly for debugging.
: Command line parameters for calling Gxsm ::: :::
Right after the options shown above you can list files for opening to the free channels.
All known formats are autodetected.
[pi:WSxMio]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:WSxMio"}
[pi:nanoimport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:nanoimport"}
[pi:OmicronIO]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:OmicronIO"}
[pi:primitiveimexport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:primitiveimexport"}
[pi:sdfimport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:sdfimport"}
[pi:UK2kimport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:UK2kimport"}
[pi:gmeyerimexport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:gmeyerimexport"}
[pi:spa4imexport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:spa4imexport"}
[pi:GdatImExport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:GdatImExport"}
[pi:PsiHDFimexport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:PsiHDFimexport"}
[pi:pngImExport]{reference-type="ref" reference="pi:pngImExport"}